Sunday, September 4, 2016

Welcome to Teinei Gohan

Welcome to Teinei Gohan!

My name is Naoko, Japanese living in Brooklyn NY. I started Teinei Gohan to share my recipes for Japanese home cooking recipes.

I may not have recipes for sushi, sashimi, or ramen which represents Japanese food here in NY, but there will be recipes for simple, easy to make, healthy and delicious home cooking dishes you will enjoy :)

The word  Teinei(ていねい) means "with care" "pay attention to detail", Gohan(ごはん) literally means "rice", but we use the word as "meals".

"Teinei" reminds me of something slow, gentle, thoughtful, and graceful and that's something I wish to live with.

”Gohan" is often used in our conversations with family, and the memories are always associated with sense of comfort around family or close friends, and intimate conversations over meals. Or some bitterness I feel when I eat by myself.

My posts will be based on dishes I grew up with, from my mother who cooks beautiful and delicious dishes every day, never being tired of cooking and always curious about something new... and also I will add some recipes I found through my own cooking life.

My mother might say I still need training for cooking before having my recipe blogs, but I think she would say that for ever :P :)

Hope you enjoy my posts and try some of my recipes. Thanks for viewing!

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